In order to allow all customers to submit their complaints and assure the delivery of high quality products and
services, we would like to inform you that if you are not satisfied with any of the products or services provided
by us you can complaint through one of the following means:
- Phone Number: (06-5002250 Ext:1097) during working hours (Sunday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
- Email:
- Mail: (Khalda, Amer bin Malek St. Khalda center building #30, 3rd Floor Amman, Jordan)
- Personally: by visiting the customers’ complaints unit during official working hours.
- Fax number (06-5002251)
The complaint will be answered within (10) working days from the date of receipt the complaint unless
the nature of complaint needs more time. In all cases the response time to answer the complaint will
not exceed (30) working days from the date of submitting the complaint.
In the event of dissatisfaction with the response on the complaint, you may resort to the Central Bank
of Jordan (CBJ). Noting that you may contact the CBJ through any of the following ways:
(CBJ website, contact CBJ on 06-4630301, send your complaint by email on, personal attendance to CBJ premises or any of CBJ branches in Irbid and Aqaba).